Saturday, November 30, 2019

Homework Solutions Essay Example

Homework Solutions Paper The latter rate would rise more slowly than the rate of increase in GAP with the least effect of the three types. Conversely, in an economic slowdown, a progressive tax falls faster because not only does it decline with income, it becomes proportionately less as incomes fall. This acts as a cushion on declining incomes-?the tax bite is less, which leaves more of the lower income for spending. The reverse would be true of a regressive tax that falls, but more slowly than the progressive tax, as incomes decline. Question 4 Briefly state and evaluate the problem of time lags in enacting and applying fiscal policy. How might politics complicate fiscal policy? How might expectations of a near-term policy reversal weaken fiscal policy based on changes in tax rates? What is the crowding-out effect, and why might it be relevant to fiscal policy? Question 1 It takes time to ascertain the direction in which the economy is moving (recognition lag), to get a fiscal policy enacted into law (administrative lag), and for the policy to have its full effect on the economy (operational lag). Meanwhile, other factors may change, rendering inappropriate a particular fiscal policy. Nevertheless, discretionary fiscal policy is a valuable tool in preventing severe recession or severe demand-pull inflation. A political business cycle is the concept that politicians are more interested in reelection than in stabilizing the economy. Before the election, they enact tax cuts and spending increases to please voters even though this may fuel inflation. After the election, they apply the brakes to restrain inflation; the economy will slow and unemployment Will rise. We will write a custom essay sample on Homework Solutions specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Homework Solutions specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Homework Solutions specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In this view the political process creates economic instability. A decrease in tax rates might be enacted to stimulate consumer spending. If households receive the tax cut but expect it to be reversed in the near future, they may hesitate to increase their spending. Believing that tax rates will rise again (and possibly concerned that they will rise to rates higher than before the tax cut), households may instead save their additional after-tax income in anticipation of needing to pay taxes in the future. The crowding-out effect is the reduction in investment spending caused by the increase in interest rates arising from an increase in government spending, financed by borrowing. The increase in G was designed to increase AD, but the resulting increase in interest rates may decrease l, Thus the impact of the expansionary fiscal policy may be reduced. Question 7 Why did the budget surpluses in 2000 and 2001 give way to a series of budget deficits beginning in 2002? Why did those deficits increase substantially beginning in 2008? The economy was sluggish through 2002, lowering revenues, and in June 2003 Congress again cut taxes.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to Write (almost) a Million Words A Year

How to Write (almost) a Million Words A Year I just failed at my writing goal for a second year in a row. I wanted to write a million words in a year. In 2017, I wrote 927,000 words, up from 900,750 in 2016.Some might not see that as a failure. So how do I get to a yearly word count that many writers think impossible?Put in the TimeWork ethic is more important than talent. Writing is my day job, and I work 50+ hours a week. For those who have other day jobs, slip in time whenever you can. Write before your family gets up in the morning. Write on the bus. Write after everyone goes to sleep. Snatch fifteen minutes here, half an hour there. You’ll be amazed how quickly it adds up.It’s a Matter of MathAt the start of my career, a prolific writer gave me the best advice I’ve ever heard. She said, â€Å"If you write a page a day,

Friday, November 22, 2019

Brainstorming Techniques for Students

Brainstorming Techniques for Students Brainstorming is a method students can use to generate ideas for writing a paper. In the process of brainstorming, you should suspend any concerns about staying organized. The goal is to pour your thoughts onto paper without worrying about whether they make sense or how they fit together. Because students have different learning styles, some students will be uncomfortable with the disorganized frenzy of spilling thoughts onto paper. For instance, left brain  dominant  students and sequential thinking students may not benefit from the process if it becomes too cluttered. There are more organized ways to brainstorm, however. For this reason, we’ll explore a few ways to get the same results. Find the one that feels most comfortable to you. Brainstorming for Right Brains Right-brained thinkers are typically comfortable with a variety of shapes, ideas, and patterns. Right brains dont run from chaos. The artistic side of the right brain enjoys the process of creatingand it doesnt really matter whether they start with cluttered ideas or clumps of clay. The right brain may be most comfortable with clustering or mind mapping as a brainstorming method. To get started, you will need a few clean pieces of paper, some tape, and a few colored pens or highlighters. Write your main idea or topic in the middle of the paper.Start writing down thoughts in no particular pattern. Write words or passages that pertain to your main idea in some way.Once youve exhausted the random thoughts that come into your head, start using prompters like who, what, where, when, and why. Do any of these prompters generate more words and ideas?Consider whether prompters like opposites or comparisons would be relevant to your topic.Dont worry about repeating yourself. Just keep writing!If your paper gets full, use the second sheet. Tape it to the edge of your original paper.Keep attaching pages as necessary.Once you have emptied your brain, take a short break from your work.When you return with a fresh and rested the mind, glance over your work to see what kinds of patterns emerge.Youll notice that some thoughts are related to others and some thoughts are repeated. Draw yellow circles around the thoughts that are related. The yellow ideas will become a subtopic.Draw blu e circles around other related ideas for another subtopic. Continue this pattern. Dont worry if one subtopic has ten circles and another has two. When it comes to writing your paper, this simply means you may write several paragraphs about one idea and one paragraph about another. Thats OK.Once you finish drawing circles, you may want to number your individual colored circles in some sequence. You now have a basis for a paper! You can turn your wonderful, messy, chaotic creation into a well-organized paper. Brainstorming for Left Brains If the process above makes you break out into a cold sweat, you may be a left brain. If you arent comfortable with chaos and you need to find a more orderly way to brainstorm, the bullet method might work better for you. Put the title or topic of your paper at the head of your paper.Think of three or four categories that would serve as subtopics. You can start by thinking about how you could break best down your topic into smaller sections. What sort of features could you use to divide it? You could consider time periods, ingredients, or sections of your subject matter.Write down each of your subtopics, leaving a few inches of space between each item.Make bullets under each subtopic. If you find you need more space than youve provided under each category, you can transfer your subtopic to a new sheet of paper.Dont worry about the order of your subjects as you write; you will put them into order once you have exhausted all your ideas.Once you have emptied your brain, take a short break from your work.When you return with a fresh and rested the mind, glance over your work to see what kinds of patterns emerge.Number your main ideas so they create a flow of information.You have a rough outline for your p aper! Brainstorming for Anybody Some students would prefer to make a Venn diagram to organize their thoughts. This process involves drawing two intersecting circles. Title each circle with the name of the object youre comparing. Fill the circle with traits that each object possesses, while filling the intersecting space with traits the two objects share.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Torture of bomb suspect Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Torture of bomb suspect - Research Paper Example The main purpose of the research is to present that many cases of torture have been reported especially for terrorist suspects who are alleged to be involved in various bombings across the country and abroad. Abd al Rahim Hussein Mohammed al Nashiri is one of the victims of torture. Nashiri is the suspected terrorist bomber of the USS Cole bombing of 2000 in Yemen. The suspect who was detained in Guantanamo Bay was tortured by the military to an extent of admitting to the accusations. According to a report that the Pentagon released about the Nashiri torture, the suspect was tortured to a point that he could not take it anymore and thus admitted to have been responsible for the bombings so that he would be freed from the torture. This illustrates violation of professional ethics in the questioning of bomb suspects. Most of the suspects who are interrogated are normally tortured to a point where they would rather admit to have been involved in the bombings so that the pain they are su bjected into is put into an end. The legal-ethical rights of suspects are thus violated by such tortures because the interrogation processes are usually less objective. This is because the interrogators aim at eliciting responses from the suspects which makes them responsible for the crime. This is usually as a result of the fact that some suspects would refuse to say the truth regardless of the pain that the interrogation process puts them through.... After he admitted to the bombing, Nashiri’s captors became happy and stopped further interrogations. This shows that the captors of bomb suspects engage in unsupervised interrogation which leads to the violation of the constitutional rights of suspects who are legally considered innocent until proven otherwise by a court of law. Unnecessary torture is therefore a form of ethical malpractice because it causes a lot of dehumanizing pain to the suspects and thus violates their human rights (Lolita, 2007). Additionally, excessive torture of bomb suspects would lead to injustice because if victims are forced to admit to the crimes that they are not guilty of, then justice would not have been served. The fact that Nashiri was forced by the torture to admit into the responsibility of the Cole bombing shows that justice was not served because the actual bomber would be somewhere free and likely planning to commit other crimes. The bombing that led to the death of seventeen US sailors and injury to thirty nine others was blamed on Nashiri by the US military whom they considered to be an al Qaeda official who was responsible for arranging the Cole bombings. The evidence that the US military presented to the FBI revealed that Nashiri bought the explosives and the boat that was used during the bombings. The evidence that the military presented to the FBI is said to have been an adjunct of the admission of the suspect to the crimes when he was under torture (BBC World, 2007). This presents an ethical dilemma because the use of evidence that emanates from the response of the suspect at a time when he is subject to torture in prosecution leads to the questioning of the credibility

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Case study of Tata cross culture marketing analysis Essay

Case study of Tata cross culture marketing analysis - Essay Example In India, over 11 million vehicles are manufactured annually and exports reach about 1.5 million units each year. The big chunk of the automobile industry is two wheelers with a market share of over 75% (Imagin, 2011). In this respect, Ratan Tata decided to manufacture a car at a price of motorbike so people can get around with convenience and achieve major milestone in the Indian and global automobile industry. Several engineering changes were made in order to keep the cost of car model below $ 2500. At the beginning, the manufacturing process was carried out in Sigur and then moved to Sanand Gujarat because of the suppliers’ proximity. This low cost car that is Nano was launched in March, 2009 at Parsi Gymkhana Mumbai (Tata Motors, 2010). The outlook and interior of Tata Nano is quite impressive, it is tall and narrow, respectively convenient for drivers and back sitters. It has four big windows that allow fresh air and light. Its body is designed with much inner room and sp ace (Chhangani, 2009). Tata Nano is simple and functional; it has good inner volume to adjust passengers on the long routes. There are rumors in the market that Nano is made up of the plastic body, and its motor is powered by hamster in the wheel, all such rumors are just rumors, in-fact Tata Nano is simple car but with tough body design and structure. ... After launching Tata Nano in India, future intentions were to enter in the global low cost car market. China and Russia was very lucrative markets for such low cost car category, but the challenges were distinctively there in Europe and North America. It was all because of the emission rules and standards which kept Nano on the back side of the European region (Hollensen, 2011). By understanding Tata Nano’s Case in India, this study will highlight the importance of Tata Nano market in other emerging markets (China and Japan), its need in the European markets and the competitive advantages that Tata Nano sustain in present markets (Hollensen, 2011). Main Reasons for Tata Nano to enter in Global Low-cost Car Market Affordability in Emerging Markets People living in the emerging markets (India, China) prefer motorbikes more than cars, because of the affordability factor. Tata Nano was designed by keeping this factor on priority; as it was all about hitting the world’s chea pest cars category, â€Å"The Ultra-Low Cost Category†. Meanwhile, Tata Motors had the opportunity on the native Indian soil, which made it possible to manufacture such ultra-low cost car â€Å"Tata Nano† (Hollensen, 2011). This brought one reason for Tata Motors to intrude the emerging markets besides India (Hollensen, 2011). Environmental Friendly In developed markets such as North America and Europe, there are strict government regulations for environment protection. People are more conscious on environment friendliness of transportation. Hence, cars, which are lighter and smaller consume less fuel and spread less pollution are preferred as compared to the large ones

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Interest Group Report Essay Example for Free

Interest Group Report Essay John Muir made the incomparable Yosemite Valley the center of his experience. Soon his words reached the larger audience of the New York Tribune and other influential publications, and he was writing that the Sierra should be explored by everyone, and permanently protected as a recreational resource accessible to all. In 1889 Muir embarked on an excursion in northern Yosemite with Robert Underwood Johnson. The two planned a campaign for a Yosemite National Park, a campaign that succeeded the following year when Congress established the park. Sierra Club was founded on May 28 with 182 charter members in 1892 The Sierra Clubs charter members elected Muir president, an office he held until his death in 1914. In the first decade of the 1900s, the Sierra Club became embroiled in the famous Hetch Hetchy Reservoir controversy that divided preservationists from resource management conservationists. The Sierra Club served its members as a social and recreational society, conducting outings, improving trails and building huts and lodges in the Sierras, it had some 7,000 members in 1950. In September 2005, the Sierra Club held its first Sierra Summit in San Francisco. Approximately 1,000 volunteers from around the country, selected by their chapters and groups, were delegates; some nondelegate members also attended. In 2008, the Sierra Club endorsed Senator Barack Obama for President, citing his strong record of support for clean air, wetlands protection, and clean energy. The Sierra Club has several goals and creates campaigns to dedicate mainly on each goal they pursue. The Beyond Coal campaign’s main objective is to replace dirty coal with clean energy by mobilizing grassroots activists in local communities to advocate for the retirement of old and outdated coal plants and to prevent new coal plants from being built. The Resilient Habitats campaign’s main objective is to protect wildlife habitat from climate change. Youth and Diversity campaign is about how people of every age and background embrace the Sierra Clubs motto to explore, enjoy and protect the planet. The Beyond Oil campaign’s main goal is to block the most dangerous oil projects, eliminate the outsized influence of the oil industry, raise and defend strong fuel-efficiency and pollution standards, and accelerate the transition to cleaner cars and trucks. Sierra Club Water Sentinels work to protect, improve and restore our waters by fostering alliances to promote water quality monitoring, public education, and citizen action. Beyond Natural Gas campaign’s main goal is to close industry loopholes, clean up drilling, protect our parks, and stop liquefied natural gas exports. To become a member of The Sierra Club you have to sign up on the website and choose an amount of dollars to pay monthly and go to every event. The current president of The Sierra Club is Robin Mann Robin Mann grew up outside Wilmington, Delaware, near a pond and stream where the springtime nights were alive with spring peepers, small chorus frogs whose high-pitched calls made the air vibrate. After starting a family, she lived in rural Connecticut, and got active with the local Sierra Club as newsletter editor, pasting up copy at the local newspaper plant. She moved to Pennsylvania and started working with Chapter Director Jeff Schmidt on nutrient pollution of the Chesapeake Bay. There she found her niche in wetlands and water quality protection and developed the expertise to join and later lead the Clubs national campaign work in that area. The currently proposed legislation is called Sierra Club 2012 Legislative Priorities for Washington: This year the sierra club presents acute challenges to their efforts to advance an environmental agenda at the State Capitol. At the Sierra Club, they believe that environmental protections improve their quality of life and are essential to a long-term sustainable economy. Environmental programs and policies may have upfront costs, but will prevent staggering future costs. In 2012, their priorities in the Legislature are no rollbacks of environmental standards in a difficult budget situation; sustain I-937, the Renewable Energy voter-approved standards; ensure clean water and realistic, data-based management of limited water resources; sustainable transit funding in a transportation budget that emphasizes maintenance. There are also some legislations that’s been passed with The Sierra Club help like Priority Legislation to combat global warming, legislation limiting solar permit fees, The Capitol Watch legislation, 2011 Legislature, Sustainable and Equitable Transit Funding, The 2011 Clean Water Jobs Act, REAL ID Act was passed as part of the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief. â€Å"The Sierra Club had taken money, gobs of it, from an industry that we in the grassroots have been in the fight of our lives to oppose. The largest, most venerable environmental organization in the United States secretly aligned with the very company that seeks to occupy our land, turn it inside out, blow it apart, fill it with poison. All for the goal of extracting a powerful heat-trapping gas, methane, that plays a significant role in climate change. National Sierra Club served as the political cover for the gas industry and for the politicians who take their money and do their bidding. It had a hand in setting in motion the wheels of environmental destruction and human suffering. It was complicit in bringing extreme fossil fuel extraction onshore, into our communities, farmlands, and forests, and in blowing up the bedrock of our nation. And I can’t get over it†. Sandra Steingraber My conclusions and thoughts about The Sierra Club is very positive, since what they do and aim for is to explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of earth, to practice and promote the use of the earths ecosystems and resources responsibly, to educate and recruit humanity to restore and protect the quality of the natural and human environment; and to use all lawful means to carry out all these objectives. I think not every organization is perfect, sometimes they can fail in some other things like projects, campaigns, but it doesn’t mean that they are a bad organization since the impact they have made worldwide has been huge and successful. The founder of The Sierra had a purpose and a goal, he build the organization and through years people around the world has been joining The Sierra Club since is a positive and good cause to support and they have done several campaigns that have helped a lot like protecting rivers, the formation of Blue-Green Alliance that pursue a joint public policy agenda reconciling workers need for good jobs with mankinds need for a cleaner environment and safer world. It also has chapters across the country. Each chapter offers opportunities for hikes and other outings, activism on local and state issues. I think that the fact they don’t focus just in the environment but with thwarting industry and obstructing technological progress is a positive thing as well. Links:

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Anasazi Great Houses of the Chaco Canyon Region Essay -- essays resear

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Native American architecture varies greatly from region to region throughout North America, and was influenced by factors such as climate, kind of community, and the natural environment. Whereas some buildings were designed and constructed for specified functions, others, such as Anasazi great houses, were massive multi-purpose structures. Because great houses from Chaco Canyon are so well preserved, it is possible to have a decent understanding of the structure of Anasazi architecture for analysis. A close examination of the innovative Anasazi great house architecture of the Chaco Canyon region reveals its utilitarian value.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chaco Canyon, located in northwest New Mexico, is full of plateaus and canyons. Though the area may appear unsuitable for habitation, the Anasazi were able to adapt to this environment by building homes using materials found in abundance around the Chaco Canyon region. (Fig. 1) The apartment style of building of great houses, â€Å"multistoried communal strongholds†1 , began to appear during the late ninth century, dying down into the twelfth century A.D.2 While wood usually had to be imported from a distance, sandstone was readily available and used primarily in this geometric style of architecture. Although no one knows the exact reasons why, the Anasazi moved to create these large complexes now known as great houses, breaking away from previously more traditional pithouse communities. Perhaps it was safer to commune as a large group, protecting themselves from enemies. Another possibility can be seen through examination of the heating and cooling benefit s of the Chaco Canyon great house style of architecture.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Solar energy and climate were major contributing factors in the building plans of Anasazi architecture. The climate can be harsh in the Four Corners region of the country, with extremely hot days and very cool nights, unbearably hot summers, and frigid winters. In order to protect the inhabitants from their environment, the Anasazi architects incorporated their knowledge of the effect of solar energy on building materials, as well as location of the sun in determining how the structures may most efficiently either absorb or reflect heat. â€Å"A southern exposure would have taken advantage of the low, southern winter sun angle, helping keep rooms wa... ...sp;  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pueblo Period in New Mexico.† Journal of Field Archaeology (Winter 1989)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  405-25. Schreiber, Stephen D. â€Å"Engineering Feats of the Anasazi: Buildings, Roads, and   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dams.† In Anasazi Architecture and American Design, ed. Baker H.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Morrow and V.B. Price, 77-87. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Press, 1997. Stuart, David E. and Susan Moczygemba-McKinsey. Anasazi America: Seventeen   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Centuries on the Road from Center Place. Albuquerque: University of New   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mexico Press, 2000. Van Dyke, Ruth M. â€Å"The Chaco Connection: Evaluating Bonito-Style   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Architecture in Outlier Communities.† Journal of Anthropological   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Architecture (December 1999)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  471-506.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Filipinos and the Reproductive Health Bill Essay

The Reproductive Health Bill – more commonly known as the RH Bill – is one of the most controversial bills that are being discussed today. It was only recently, however, that much attention had been directed towards it. The implementation of laws provisioning almost the same contents as the RH Bill today dates back in the late 1960’s during the reign of former President Ferdinand Marcos. At that time, Family Planning was adopted by the government purely for the purpose of population reduction towards the alleviation of poverty, as is the government’s commitment to population control stated in The 1973 Constitution, â€Å"It shall be the responsibility of the state to achieve and maintain population levels conducive to the national welfare† (Likhaan and ARROW 17). Unfortunately, when the Marcos administration was replaced by the Aquino administration, the ground for the government Family Planning Program became shaky. It was attempted to be abolished twice but was saved through its transfer from the Department of Social Welfare to the Department of Health in 1988 due to both local and international pressures (17). During the Ramos administration, the Philippine approach towards population control shifted from the previous population control framework to the reproductive health approach (Likhaan and ARROW 17). This was a result of the Philippine participation to the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) held in Cairo, Egypt (17). It was also under this regime that Secretary of Health, Dr. Juan Flavier funded the purchase of contraceptives and launched an anti-AIDS campaign heavily featuring condoms despite fervent opposition from the rulers of the Catholic Church (17). A legacy that perhaps he passed on to his successor Dr. Carmencita Reodica who was the brain behind the implementation of an Integrated Reproductive Health Program within the DOH (17). As another change in administration took place however, the reproductive health programs stated above were abolished and while the new regime have tried to present newer programs for the improvement of Philippine reproductive health, none were implemented due to the ousting of Estrada which then brought us the Macapagal-Arroyo administration (Likhaan and ARROW 17-18). It is said that it was in this administration that government reproductive health programs previously implemented by former administrations â€Å"regressed† (18). Two big events happened during this time. First was the banning of the emergency contraceptive pill called Postinor which raised a torrent of rallies and protests from health and women’s NGOs and the second was Arroyo’s announcement that she would veto the proposed Reproductive Health Bill at that time even if it were passed because she believes that it is â€Å"a pro-abortion bill†(18). The struggle for the passage of the RH Bill, however, did not stop there. As the current regime led by Pres. Benigno Aquino, Jr. took over, the fire brought by this controversial debate has been lit once more. The bill has undergone a few revisions and the anti-RH and pro-RH factions have continued their unceasing debate. The anti-RH faction, supported by the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), other so-called Pro-Life Organizations, and some famous personalities like Manny Pacquiao, argue that the bill is anti-Life, anti-Poor, unconstitutional and anti-God. The pro-RH faction – supported by Health and Women NGOs, International Organizations, and also various personalities like Lea Salonga and Sen. Mirriam Santiago – on the other hand, believes that the RH Bill is pro-Life, pro-Poor, pro-Choice, constitutional and NOT anti-God. On my part, I stand by the pro-RH faction. The Reproductive Health Bill is an important step towards the improvement of the quality of life of every Filipino, and I believe that it is the government’s responsibility to allow its people to take this crucial step forward. In what follows, I will explain why I think that the Reproductive Health Bill should be passed. Women Empowerment Many Filipinos are unaware of the real purpose behind the Reproductive Health Bill, or to be more exact, The Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health, and Population and Development Act of 2011. Most usually, debates between the anti-RH faction and the pro-RH faction end up with the topic of overpopulation and whether decreasing the population growth rate would solve most of the problems plaguing the Filipino nation. I myself had been misled by these recurrent arguments and thought that perhaps the point behind this bill was to decrease the rate by which our population grows. Further examination of the bill however proved me wrong. The purpose of the legislators in presenting this bill was not to decrease the population growth rate of Filipinos; rather it is to empower them most especially its most vulnerable sector, the Filipino women. Reproductive Health, as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being that implies that people are able to have a responsible, satisfying and safe sex life and that they have the capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when and how often to do so. Also, they added, it implies the presence of the right of access to appropriate health care services that will allow women to go through pregnancy and childbirth safely (WHO). Unfortunately for the Philippines, the lack of a comprehensive reproductive health law has drawn its toll on women producing a high Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) of 162 per 100,000 live births (Pernia, This means that about 11 women die every day during childbirth (NSO, 2006). Another effect of the absence of a comprehensive law that offers effective reproductive health care services is an Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) of 25 per 1000 infants (Dizon). In other words, there is a total of 62, 000 infant deaths every year, or 169 deaths every day (Dizon). Aside from those, there is an estimated 473,400 women who have abortion every year, 90% of them done by married women, producing a rate of 27 abortions out of 1000 women aged 15-44 years old (Pangalangan, Juarez, Also, 78,900 women among those who had abortion are hospitalized due to post-abortion complications (Juarez, What is sad about this is that all this deaths and complications could have been prevented and attended to if women were provided with proper and sufficient family planning and health care services. The Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health and Population and Development Act of 2011 aims to protect women from the aforementioned complications of having no readily available reproductive health and family planning services (HB 4244). In Section 5 of House Bill 4244, entitled Midwives for Skilled Attendance, the bill ensures the availability of full time, skilled and properly trained birth attendants for women at a ratio of one (1) birth attendant per a hundred and fifty (150) deliveries per year (HB 4244). Also in Section 6 of the same bill, each province and city, assisted by the DOH, would establish or upgrade hospitals with sufficient and qualified personnel, facilities and supplies that would enable them to provide efficient and effective emergency obstetric care (HB 4244). Aside from that, private and non-government reproductive health care service providers – including but not limited to gynecologists and obstetricians – are mandated in House Bill 4244â₠¬â„¢s Section 22 to provide at least 48 hours annually of reproductive health care services which involves information and education, and rendering medical services free of charge to indigent and low income patients, especially to pregnant adolescents (HB 4244). However, these are not the only provisions that the Reproductive Health Bill offers women and their children. In Section 8 of House Bill 4244, the government ensures that a Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for reproductive health – includes maternal and neonatal health care kits and services defined by the DOH – would be ensured for women in crisis situations such as disasters (e.g.; earthquakes, flood) and humanitarian crises (e.g.; famines, epidemics). The MISP will become a part of the initial response of government units and national agencies at the onset of crises and emergencies (HB 4244). Also, in House Bill 4244’s Section 14 maximum benefits as provided by PhilHealth programs would be given to serious and life threatening reproductive health conditions such as AIDS, breast and reproductive tract cancers, obstetric complications and other similar conditions. Aside from maternal health care services, the bill also promises to provide a full range of modern family planning methods to be available in all accredited health facilities which, for poor patients, shall be fully covered by PhilHealth Insurance and the government on a no balance billing (Section 7, HB 4244). These provisions of the bill are important in protecting women from the risks brought by pregnancy and from the difficulties caused by unplanned pregnancies. According to a research report published jointly by the Guttmacher Institute and the United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA): Better timing and spacing of births can reduce complications related to pregnancy and delivery, and improve the health of women and their infants (Singh S, Also, according to this same research, if contraceptive needs for women are met sufficiently, the number of induced abortions would decline by 70% in the developing world (Singh S,   Providing women with these reproductive health services also move in accordance to the Magna Carta for Women. In Section 13 of House Bill No. 4273, the law insures women the access to information and services related to their health. This includes maternal care which involves pre-natal and post-natal services that would address a woman’s pregnancy, and the health and nutrition of both the mother and the infant, and legal, ethical, medically safe and effective family planning methods (HB 4273). Despite the many advantages that the Reproductive Health Bill offers to women however, there are still those who desire to hinder the passage of this bill. One of these detractors is the CBCP who claims that the bill is anti-life and unconstitutional. What saddened me however is that in one of their statements, they have summed up choosing to defend the RH Bill as â€Å"choosing death† (Odchimar). I quote: We are at a crossroads as a nation. Before us are several versions of a proposed bill, the Reproductive Health bill or sanitized as a Responsible Parenthood bill. This proposed bill in all its versions calls us to make a moral choice: to choose life or to choose death (Odchimar). Reading this statement caused a moment of irritation which swiftly turned to sadness as I realized how misinformed my fellow Filipinos were. The Reproductive Health Bill is not anti-life; it is, through thorough examination, explicitly pro-Life (Pangalangan, Pernia The Reproductive Health Bill will not only protect a woman’s right to make a choice but also protect her life and the life of her child. Providing quality health care services to women will help fight the complications of pregnancy and even help avoid induced abortions (Pernia,, Pangalangan, Lagman). Choosing the Reproductive Health Bill would never be equal to choosing death. In this same statement by the CBCP, they also shared one of the reasons why they specifically object to the RH Bill: Advocates also assert that the RH Bill empowers women with ownership of their own bodies. This is in line with the post-modern spirit declaring that women have power over their own bodies without the dictation of any religion. How misguided this so-called â€Å"new truth† is (Odchimar)! That women own their bodies is subject to each and their own beliefs. I myself, even as a woman, do not believe that I own this body with which I move and act. I acknowledge that this body of mine was something given to me by the Lord and therefore his, yet it must also be acknowledged that not all Filipinos share this same belief. First of all, not all Filipinos are Catholics and it is wrong to deprive them of the support they ask of the state simply because the religious leaders of the most prevalent religion disagree with it (Pangalangan, Pernia, Second, 90% among the 97% who claim that they want the RH Bill to be passed are Catholics which shows how pressing this matter is (Pangalangan). Whether or not our bodies were our own or just borrowed from the Lord, the fact that it needs protection, support and sufficient health services could not be denied. About 60% of Filipinos are dependent on the government for the provision of family planning services and it is the government’s responsibility to make it continuously and readily available for them (Pangalangan). The Reproductive Health Bill will provide women with sufficient, efficient and effective family planning and reproductive health care services. This will not only benefit women but their children as well. It would protect them in many ways and help preserve lives that need not be lost. Family Planning Methods Family Planning allows individuals and couples to anticipate and achieve their preferred number of children and the spacing and timing of their births (WHO). There are many mediums of contraceptives that have been invented and developed through time. Mostly, they are divided into two categories: Natural Family Planning (NFO) methods and Artificial Family Planning (AFP) methods. Natural Family Planning Methods mainly involves determining when a woman is fertile or not and having intercourse during days when fertilization would not occur (IRH). The effectiveness of this method is dependent on many factors however, these include faithful participation between sexual partners, accuracy in predicting the woman’s fertile days and ability to perfectly follow the methods they choose (IRH). Aside from that, there are women, in fact a lot of them, for whom Natural Family Planning methods may not work, considering this, the success rate of NFP methods are comparatively lower than Artific ial Family Planning methods (IRH). Artificial Family Planning Methods are methods that employ external factors. This involves pills, injectables, patches, vaginal rings, implants, Intrauterine devices (IUDs), male and female sterilization, condoms, etc (WHO/RHR). A variation of these methods may work depending on the situation of the women or men involved, however, most of the time the success rates of these methods are fairly higher than NFP methods (WHO/RHR). In the Reproductive Health Bill, a full range of Family Planning (FP) methods would be made available in all accredited health facilities (Section 7, HB 4244). Also, they would be labeled as essential medicines, which means that they would be part of the National Drug Formulary and would be included in the regular purchase of essential supplies of all public hospitals and health units (Section 10, HB 4244). This would help many Filipino families, especially the poor, in achieving only the size of the family they desire (Pernia, In recent statistics, evidences that the poor prefer smaller families but are incapable of achieving t his because of lack of accessibility of Family Planning Methods have been found (Pernia, Recently, a survey by the Social Weather Station showed that 97% of Filipinos want to be able to control their fertility and plan their families (Pangalangan). Allowing access to readily available Family Planning Methods would be an efficient response to this call. Aside from that there is good reason for promoting both Natural and Artificial Family Planning methods. In a discussion paper released by the UP School of Economics, they said that: †¦ensuring access to the full range of modern (â€Å"artificial†) FP methods cum appropriate information raises the success rate of achieving the desired family size. Limiting FP options to â€Å"natural family planning (NFP) methods only† fails to address the private and social costs of mistimed and unwanted pregnancies (Pernia, Providing both Artificial and Natural Family Planning methods would allow for greater success rate in achieving the desired family size of Filipinos. However, this is not the only good effect of Family Planning methods. Some Family Planning methods, when correctly used, may help prevent the transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (WHO). Use of Family Planning methods also reduces occurrences of induced abortions (WHO). This provisioning of FP methods also supports the recognition of the family as an autonomous institution that has the right to found a family in accordance to their desired number and spacing of children (WHO, 1987 Constitution). Despite the advantages of offering both Natural and Artificial methods of Family Planning however, there are those who say that only Natural Family Planning methods should be supported by the bill. This is because, for these anti-RH groups, Artificial Family Planning methods are abortifacients and are unsafe. First of all, there is a big difference between a contraceptive and an abortifacient. To put it in simple terms, a contraceptive is something used to prevent fertilization between a sperm and an egg while an abortifacient is something used to kill an already fertilized egg. Despite my belief that there is no need to elaborate further, I still shall reiterate it: Contraceptive methods are not abortifacients. Second, the provision of family planning metho ds requires counseling with a family planning provider (Magallon). These family planning provider/counselors function to advise a couple of the most appropriate method for their situation and also to screen those who wish to avail of these methods (Magallon). One of the things they require of the couple is information on whether the woman is pregnant or not, or if sexual intercourse happened between them inside a certain period of time (Magallon). If it so happens that sexual intercourse occurred and/or the woman were pregnant, the family planning counselor would either ask them to wait and confirm first if the woman is pregnant or not provide a method of family planning to the woman (Magallon). This they do to avoid any bad effects that a contraceptive might have on an already existing child (Magallon). Another claim against artificial contraceptives, especially of oral contraceptive pills, is that they have been found to be carcinogenic agents in a recent research conducted by the Women’s Health Initiatives and was classified so by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (â€Å"Position Paper on the RH bill†). In all fairness, further research on my side lead me to the conclusion that this information is true. However, while it is true that OCPs are Group 1 carcinogens, it is also true that use of OCPs prevent endometrial and ovarian cancers (Associated Press). Aside from that, I think it is worthy to point out that the dosages used in the studies from which the conclusion was made were, to quote Dr. Steven Goldstein, professor of the New York University Medical Center, â€Å"2  ½ to 4 times higher than the dosages I’m using today in most wo men [referring to the pills she provides her clients with]† (Associated Press). Also, according to director of analytic epidemiology of the American Cancer Society Eugene Calle, the evidence of increase in breast cancer risk is very small and transient, which means that it disappears as soon as the intake of the pills is stopped (Associated Press). Providing Filipinos with both Artificial and Natural Family Planning Methods may have a few disadvantages but I believe that the advantages of these actions outweigh all the cons. If the Reproductive Health Bill is passed, considering its main thrust is promoting full information and providing access to and choice amongst the full selection of family planning methods – whether natural or artificial – more unintended pregnancies would be prevented thus reducing the current MMR of the Philippines and saving the lives of not only women but children as well (Pernia et al.) Effects of the Reproductive Health Bill A lot of effects other than those mentioned before may come from the passage of the Reproductive Health Bill. One of these miscellaneous effects is that it would help reduce the population growth rate which would then produce a sort of chain reaction that would help alleviate poverty especially in the poorest areas here in the country (Alonzo,, Pernia, This happens because parents who are able to space their children and acquire their desired family size are more capable to bear the cost of raising and educating their children (Pernia, Once educated, these children would then be able to help raise their families above poverty through work and business (Pernia, Another effect of the Reproductive Health Bill is it encourages women to exercise their right to choose and their free will (Lagman). Women would be given the chance to make informed choices on matters that affect them the most (Lagman). The promotion of an age-appropriate sex-education program would also help teenagers determine how to act in the face of sexual confusion (Lagman). It will promote â€Å"correct sexual values† and instill both consciousness of the freedom of choice and responsibilities of exercising one’s rights (Lagman). Knowledge on these matters is important because health risks associated with mistimed and unplanned pregnancies are higher for women who become pregnant while still in their adolescent ages (Pernia, Against all these good effects however, there are those who claim that if the RH Bill would be passed then a so-called â€Å"demographic winter† – inverse triangle population, with the old above and the young below – would occur in the Philippines (â€Å"Position paper on the RH bill†). This, according to some UP Professors of Economics has been greatly exaggerated and could only be considered as a scare tactic that intends to instill fear in people’s minds and which was probably spread by people who do not understand population dynamics â€Å"or worse, who intend to mislead† (Alonzo et al., also cited in Lagman). Conclusion The RH Bill empowers women. It reinforces the people’s freedom to choose and freedom to be informed. It protects not only the sanctity of life but the quality of life that a child will have once he is born. It is pro-life, pro-women and pro-choice. The Reproductive Health bill also aims to protect women from the many complications of pregnancy and childbirth. It also aims to provide better care for every child born. Aside from that, the RH Bill will enable Filipinos to protect themselves better form sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS. Both Artificial and Natural Family Planning Methods are essential for the implementation of a comprehensive reproductive health law. These methods are scientifically proven safe and though some might have adverse effects, the advantages of these methods outweigh the risks they may present. The Reproductive Health Bill is a bill that allows spouses to plan their families and gain only the children they can provide for. It will help many poor families in investing more for their children and can alleviate poverty even if it cannot make it disappear altogether. The Reproductive Health Bill will also enable the youth to understand their rights and their responsibilities and promote proper sexual values. Understanding all this, I call for the immediate passage of the Reproductive Health Bill for the good of the Filipino nation. Works Cited â€Å"1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines.† The LAWPHiL Project. Arellano Law Foundation, n.d. Web. 5 September 2011. Alonzo Ruperto P., Arsenio M. Balisacan, Dante B. Canlas, Joseph J. Capuno, Ramon L. Clarete, Rolando A. Danao, Emmanuel S. de Dios, Benjamin E. Diokno, Emmanuel F. Esguerra, Raul V. Fabella, Ma. Socorro Gochoco-Bautista, Aleli P. Kraft, Felipe M. Medalla, Nimfa F. Mendoza, Solita C. Monsod, Cayetano W. Paderanga, Jr., Ernesto M. Pernia, Stella A. Quimbo, Gerardo P. Sicat, Orville C. Solon, Edita A. Tan, Gwendolyn R. Tecson. Population and Poverty; The Real Score* (DP 2004-15). Discussion Paper. UP School of Economics; December 2004. Web. 5 September 2011. PDF. Associated Press. â€Å"Hormone pills added to list of carcinogens.† 29 July 2005. Web. 5 September 2011. â€Å"Contraception.† Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. 2008. The Gale Group Inc. Web. 5 September 2011. Lagman, Edcel. â€Å"Reproductive health bill: Facts, fallacies.† 3 August 2008. Web. 5 September 2011. Retrieved from: Likhaan and ARROW. State of Filipino Women’s Reproductive Rights: 10 Years Post Cairo Shadow Report. Research in Brief. 2004. Print. Pernia, Ernesto M. Stella Alabastro-Quimbo, Maria Joy V. Abrenica, Ruperto P. Alonzo, Agustin L. Arcenas, Arsenio M. Balisacan, Dante B. Canlas, Joseph J. Capuno, Ramon L. Clarete, Rolando A. Danao, Emmanuel S. de Dios, Aleli dela Paz-Kraft, Benjamin E. Diokno, Emmanuel F. Esguerra, Raul V. Fabella, Maria Socorro Gochoco-Bautista, Teresa J. Ho, Felipe M. Medalla, Maria Nimfa F. Mendoza, Solita C. Monsod, Toby Melissa C. Monsod, Fidelina Natividad-Carlos, Cayetano W. Paderanga, Gerardo P. Sicat, Orville C. Solon, Edita A. Tan, and Gwendolyn R. Tecson. Population, Poverty, Politics and the Reproductive Health Bill (DP 2011-01). Discussion Paper. UP School of Economics; February 2011. Web. 5 September 2011. PDF. Retrieved from: Philippines. Cong. House. The Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health and Population and Development Act of 2011. 15th Cong., 1st sess. HB 4244. PDF. â€Å"Position Paper on RH bill: by Individual Faculty, Students and Alumni of the University of the Philippines.† n.d. Web. 5 September 2011. Retrieved from: Singh S et al., Adding It Up: The Costs and Benefits of Investing in Family Planning and Maternal and Newborn Health, New York: Guttmacher Institute and United Nations Population Fund, 2009. (Suggested citation) WHO. â€Å"Reproductive Health.† World Health Organization. n.d. Web. 18 October 2011. Retrieved from: <> WHO. â€Å"Family Planning.† World Health Organization. n.d. Web. 18 October 2011. Retrieved from: WHO.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Planning techniques Essay

According to the BCG matrix, companies’ business units can be categorized into 4 categories. These categories are based on the amalgamations of market share and market growth relative to the biggest competitor. Based on BCG matrix, it is very good for the company when its products have large market share or the product’s market is growing very fast. The Boston Consulting Group Portfolio Matrix Stars indicate that the business or the product has high market share and high growth. †¢Large amount of money are invested and so these businesses/products are expected to generate considerable amount of cash. They are the leaders in that particular business. †¢Usually approximately in balance on net cash flow. Nevertheless, if any effort is needed to be made to keep the share it should been done because if the market share is maintained then the returns will be a cash cow. Cash cows are companies or products which have low market growth and high market share. †¢These are mature and successful businesses with high profit and cash generation †¢There is little need for investment because of the low growth. Dogs represent companies or products which have low growth and low market share. †¢These businesses neither generate nor consume a large amount of money. †¢The number of dogs in a company should be avoided and minimized. Question marks display organizations or products with high growth and low market share. †¢Question marks require huge amount of investment and have low returns because the market share is low. †¢If the market share stays low than question marks will constantly demand large amounts of money and as the growth terminates, they will convert in a dog. †¢However, if the market share increases then the question marks may return into a star and ultimately a cash cow as the market growth slows. The BCG Matrix Method helps to understand a common strategy mistake make by the companies which is: having a one-size-fits-all-approach to strategy. In such circumstances: A.Cash cows Business Units will reach easily their profit target and their managers will be permitted to invest more money in  the businesses which are developed but not growing any more. B.Dogs Business Units will not stop investing in order to ‘turn the business around’ C.Subsequently the investment made in Question Marks and Stars Business Units is mediocre and thus they do not have the opportunity to become cash cows. In this scenario there are only two things that the companies should do. Either these SBU should receive decent amount of cash to allow them to become a cash cow (or star), or companies should not invest anymore and try to take whatever amount of cash out of the question marks. Some of the drawbacks of the BCG Matrix are: 1.Having a high market share does not mean that the company or the product will be successful. 2.The attractiveness of markets is not indicated only by the market growth 3.It may happen that Dogs can achieve higher returns than Cash Cows. Profit impact on market strategy (PIMS) The Profit Impact of Market Strategy (PIMS) is a program which started initially in the USA, to determine how profit impacted on marketing strategy and vice versa. Based on the information collected from participating companies, PIMS estimated businesses’ market position and proposed feasible strategies. According to Lancaster, Massingham and Ashford (Essentials of Marketing, 4th edition, McGraw Hill), PIMS seeks to address three basic questions: †¢What is the typical profit rate for each type of business? †¢Given current strategies in a company, what are the future operating results likely to be? †¢What strategies are likely to help improve future operating results? Dibb, Simkin, Pride and Ferrell (Marketing Concepts and Strategies, 4th European edition, Houghton Mifflin) cite six principal areas of information that PIMS holds on each business: †¢characteristics of the business environment †¢competitive position of the business †¢structure of the production process †¢how the budget is allocated †¢strategic movement †¢Operating results. Businesses which want to use the service have to present detailed information, containing details of their: †¢competitors and market †¢balance sheet †¢assumptions about future sales. In return, PIMS produces four reports, described by Lancaster, Massingham and Ashford as: 1. A ‘PAR’ report – demonstrates the ROI and cash flows that are considered ‘normal’ for that particular kind of business, displaying its market, competition, technology, and cost structure. 2. A ‘Strategy Analysis’ report – shows the likely effects of strategy changes on ROI/cash flow both short and long term. This is achieved by analyzing the information of other companies in an analogue business making similar moves, from an equal starting-point and in similar business environment. 3. A ‘Report on Look-Alikes’ (ROLA) – analyzes strategically equivalent businesses more closely and then predicts the best combination of strategies for that particular company 4. An ‘Optimum Strategy’ report – is almost the same as ROLA because it recommends the best strategy for the company based on the experience of othe r companies in the same position. One of the disadvantages of this model is that the data has been misinterpreted in some cases. In addition, another area which can be argued is connecting the profitability to the market share. Shell Directional Policy Matrix The Shell Directional Policy Matrix is another refinement upon the Boston Matrix. It has two dimensions, vertical and horizontal. Next to the vertical axe are company’s competitive capabilities and next to the horizontal axe are the prospects for sector profitability. Different strategic decisions will be implied depending on the position of a Strategic Business Unit (SBU) in the matrix. Each of the cells is explained below: Disinvest: Disinvesting is the best option when the SBU is running in losses  with ambiguous cash flow because the situation is not going to ameliorate in the future. These liquidate or move the assets. Phased withdrawal: SBU’s with average competitive capability in low growth market has almost no chance to generate cash and as such they should be eliminated sequentially. Double or quit: this is all about gambling. There are two possible options to gamble and these are either to invest more in order to take full advantage of the prospects displayed by the market or to abandon the business. Custodial: SBU’s are just like a cash cow, milk it and do not commit any more resources. In this situation the corporate has to make a decision whether to get help from other SBU’s or exit the scene to concentrate more on other attractive business. Try harder: SBU may be doing fine for the moment but the future does not look promising and thus additional resources to strength their capabilities will be required. By trying harder, the company may take advantage of the business prospects thoroughly. Cash Generator: This is like a cash cow where no further amounts of cash are invested and SBU may carry on with their operations because the generation of cash is strong and satisfactory profit is made. Growth: In order to support product invention and R&D activities the SBU’s need investment. So ensuring that enough resources are available is crucial to grow the market. Market Leadership: Significant resources are concentrated on the SBU and so it must be the first priority. SHELL DPM has its limitations. The first limitation is that it assumes that the similar factors are entirely applicable for appraising the prospects of any product/business.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

buy custom Violence at School essay

buy custom Violence at School essay Violence at school has become the daily happening in the 21st century. It has become very easy for students to assess weapons like knives and guns which are being used to harm their fellow students and the people around them. This thesis seeks to find the effects of the environment on school violence. When we talk about school violence what we simply mean is the act of violence amongst the student as well as attack of staff by the students. Many states agree that school violence are illegal though they have done very little to end this ill. There is no single country that has been left out when it comes to student violence. For example Australia has reported about one hundred and seventy five violent attacks in 2008. The research paper will basically rely on literature review as the main source of data collection (Burstyn 2001). The school has the capacity to influence its surroundings and on the other hand the surroundings can also impart its influence on the school. This influence can either be positive or negative though this thesis is out to seek the negative effects of the environment on school. In the olden days there were very few cases of violence at school because there was so much discipline in the students of the time. Teachers were allowed to punish their students accordingly depending on the offense that one had done. Things are not the same today because corporal punishment is no longer allowed at school therefore the fear that students had of being punished in case there broke the school laws is no longer there. That is the reason there is so much unsettlement among students (Burstyn, 2001). On the other hand the violence which is being experienced in our societies has extended to our schools. For these reason we need to improve discipline in schools in order for this uncouth character to be eliminated because we might end up producing criminals from school instead of upright men and women who will help in the building of the nation. Since teachers are the close associates of students they need to employ favorable systems which will yield the required fruits as opposed to what is being currently witnessed. There are different forms of school violence therefore there is need for employing different productive measures. Buy custom Violence at School essay

Monday, November 4, 2019

Breastfeeding Is Better Than Formula Feeding

Breastfeeding has existed since humans have inhabited the earth. Depending on the time period you lived, it could have also been considered either good or bad to breastfeed. Throughout history there have been three primary ways to feed an infant; breastfeeding, bottle and formula and wet nursing. Breastfeeding through time has remained the medically preferred method of infant feeding. (1) For as long as breastfeeding has been around, bottle feeding has been in existence as well. 4000 years old clay†¦ Feeding a new life Breastfeeding is the most natural way to feed a baby. Typically breastfeeding is done in the early years of childhood, after the mother gives birth, her breast begin to produce breastmilk. It provides babies with the necessary nutrients. â€Å"While breastfeeding may not seem like the right choice for every parent it is the best choice for every baby.† (Amy Spangler). The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) strongly recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life†¦ breast-feed or formula-feed their babies. Breast feeding dates back to eighteen hundred BC in Greek culture where wet nurses came about as women hired to feed another woman’s child. Formula feeding did not come to light until two hundred years after which then led to a â€Å"refined and hygienic† bottle in the industrial ages (Stevens). While both have advantages and disadvantages, breastfeeding has shown to be more beneficial for mother and child. Although some may argue the contrary, breastfeeding is an overall†¦ Breastfeeding v. Formula Feeding Mothers have been breastfeeding their children for hundreds of years. In these times bottle feeding is being looked at as a more convenient and easier way to feed the baby. Bottle Feeding is neglecting a child of the important vitamins and nutrients it takes to thrive in the world. Breastfeeding is the best natural choice for mothers to do for their babies. They need to proteins in the milk that helps them form a defense against the diseases that plague this†¦ Before I begin with my explicit thoughts on breastfeeding, I must be blunt and state that it is my opinion that all women should have the right to choose what is right for them, their family, and their lifestyle when it comes to breastfeeding or bottle feeding. I believe that this is a very personal decision that has no â€Å"right† or â€Å"wrong† answer. As long as your baby is gaining weight, healthy, and happy, I think that whatever you are doing is perfectly acceptable. First, I will begin with what†¦ Breast Feeding, Better then Formula A woman is sitting at her house trying to watch television, with one of her breast exposed, and a pair of lips sucking on the nipple. While many people may view these words as sexual in nature, reminiscent of some long ago date, it is actually describing something innocent and natural for humans to do, the breastfeeding of an infant. The NRDC or Natural Resources Defense Council states in their online article Benefits of Breastfeeding that babies are â€Å"delicate†¦ on discussing the differences between breastfeeding and the formula. I also wanted to go over briefly about the discussion we had about understanding that any punishment from the parent will not change a child’s behavior. To begin with, there are a few things you should consider before you jump and decide to go right ahead and feed your baby using formula. First, let’s begin with the facts about breastfeeding. The emotional bond, while you are breastfeeding your child is very imperative. There is†¦ Breastfeeding vs. Formula Bottle-feeding Every mother of a newborn baby must make a very personal decision when it comes to how they are going to feed their infant. I was faced with that decision 3 years ago when I had my first son who I named Ethen. It was one of the very hardest decisions I had to make. I had to consider all the good benefits of breast feeding as well as the benefits of formula bottle-feeding, but the good benefits of breastfeeding outnumbered the bottle feeding ones. I finally†¦ society, there has been an ongoing controversy towards breastfeeding verses bottle feeding. Acker (2009) reports that, through recent public health efforts contemporary mothers in the United States have learned the slogan â€Å"Breast is Best.† A preponderance of medical literature finds that breastfeeding is a cost-effective way to improve the health of infants and children. These beliefs have also lead to some believing; everyone knows that breastfeeding is the only way to feed an infant. Imagine you are†¦ In the past mothers depend greatly on breastmilk as the best way of feeding babies. With the advancement in technology and daily hassles, mothers turn to either breastfeed for a couple of months, then formula feed their babies. Every mother has the right to decide whether to breastfeed or bottle feed, this personal right will be supported no matter the decision. However, exclusive breastfeeding is the best thing a mother can give to her baby for the first six month of the baby’s life. This is because†¦

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Journal entry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Journal entry - Essay Example at the solicitation of japan, was still in conversation with its government and emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the pacific† the speakers character of being a peaceful person trying to seek peaceful ways of solving a conflict is brought out. He tries to convince the congress that his government made all the peaceful attempts to find amicable solution and indeed it’s the government of japan that is at fault and therefore drastic action should be taken against them (Gross et al 78). â€Å"Yesterday the Japanese Government also launched an attack against Malaya. Last night Japanese forces attacked Hong Kong. Last night Japanese forces attacked Guam. Last night Japanese forces attacked the Philippine Islands. Last night the Japanese attacked Wake Island. And this morning the Japanese attacked Midway Island.Japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area. The facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves† the speaker uses a lot of repetition employing the artistic style of logic, giving supportive evidences to bring out the facts that indeed japan is offensive due to the many attacks and congress should declare war with them (Gross et al 88) The other rhetorical technique employed by the speaker is the use of pathos when he says â€Å"The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost† the speaker tries to bring out the damage and loss of lives caused by the attack therefore tries to invoke emotions of sympathy and anger for the lives lost and anger about the attack hence the reason why congress should act(Gross et al 90). The speaker used evidence based arguments that he illustrated with a lot of emotions to bring out the urgency of the matter to congress and the American people. The use of artistic techniques such as logos pathos and ethos brought out the speakers character